lunedì 10 marzo 2014

Arance caramellate a fette...da conservare!

Qualche settimana fa mio suocero mi ha portato una busta di arance bellissime, senza semi e molto succose... le ultime dell'albero per quest'anno: troppo belle per lasciarle finire in pochi giorni! Troppo belle anche per farne marmellata, però! Quante volte le ho desiderate per decorare una torta o una cheesecake!... Perchè non cercare di conservarle allora per quelle occasioni, già tagliate e pronte all'uso? Dopo un rapido giro sul web per cercare tempi e dosi sono arrivata  qui e in men che non si dica le mie fette di arancia erano cotte e invasate!    

Alla prossima!

-  900 gr di arance BIO prive delle estremità
- 900 gr di zucchero
- mezzo bicchiere d'acqua
- mezzo bicchiere di limoncello

Lava molto bene le arance, spazzolandole bene. Tagliane le estremità e pesale. Intanto metti in una pentola capiente lo zucchero con l'acqua e porta a ebollizione lo sciropp, facendolo cuocere per una decina di minuti. Taglia le arance a fette non troppo sottili... circa mezzo cm dovrebbero andare bene... e togli via i semi se ce ne dovessero essere. Tuffa le fette nello sciroppo, aggiungi il limoncello e fai cuocere tutto per almeno 15 minuti ( dipende dalle arance) e comunque fino a quando la buccia non sarà morbide ma al dente.
Con una schiumarola toglile via dalla pentola e sistemale nei vasetti già perfettamente puliti e sterilizzati,copri senza sigillare e continua a fare cuocere lo sciroppo per almeno un altro quarto d'ora. Versalo bollente nei vasetti, sopra le fette d'arancia. Chiudi ermeticamente e capovolgi i vasetti a testa in giù fino a quando non saranno ben freddi.
Sicuramente ti avanzerà dello sciroppo. Invasalo e tienilo da parte per aromatizzare dei dolci, per diluirlo con del rhum e usarlo per bagnare un pan di spagna, da versare su crepe, cheesecake o pancake o semplicemente per  dolcificare un tè caldo.

Le fette d'arancia sono deliziose e possono essere mangiate a colazione, su una fetta di pane e ricotta, o per decorare dolci e plumcake come questi:


72 commenti

  1. ME-RA-VI-GLIO-SE!!!!

    Lasciamelo dire a voce alta!!!
    Grazie per aver condiviso questa specialità!!

    Buona serata:)))

    1. Mi piace questa ricetta veloce speriamo vencano anche buone... Le faccio oggi stesso mi hanno regalato una busta di arance biologiche!

  2. Mi piace questa ricetta semplicissima! Di solito ci sono lunghi passaggi e sbollentature, ma questa e' facilissima! Da provare!

  3. fantastica questa ricetta,troppo buone le arance caramellate, utili per diverse preparazioni, grazie e felice serata

  4. bellissima idea!!
    io le uso molto per decorare torte :)
    da stasera ti seguo con vero piacere,sono tra i tuoi follower :)

  5. uno spettacolo angela questa ricetta mi ispira tantissimo ora so cosa fare quando mio fratello mi manda tanti agrumi dalla sicilia
    io che non ho ancora visto questa bellissima terra sento solo il profumo dei suoi agrumi per posta !!!! :(

  6. wow! buonissime e super versatili ^_^ a presto!!

  7. adoro laranja confitada e costumo fazer e utilizar em cobertura de bolinhos, ficou com uma cor fantástica.


  8. che bella idea!!!!!!! Mi farebbe molto piacere se passassi dal mio blog:
    ti aspetto ^_^

  9. Io Adoro le arance!!! Questa è proprio una bella ricetta!!
    Foto bellissime...
    Un caro saluto.

  10. Scusami, volevo chiederti se le dosi dell'acqua e dello zucchero sono esatte o c'è un errore. Grazie

    1. sono esatte... se non hai il limoncello puoi usare un bicchiere intero di acqua, sempre su 900gr di zucchero.

    2. Ti ringrazio, Angela. Ho avuto solo un dubbio perché ho notato la fluidità dello sciroppo ed ho preferito chiedere. Sei molto gentile e proverò presto la tua ricetta golosa !

  11. Da oggi ti seguo anch'io...complimenti per le tue ottime ricette.

  12. Salve, vorrei sapere se questa preparazione può risultare amara, visto che le arance non hanno avuto la sbollentatura, ed inoltre se posso utilizzarle per ottenere la pasta d'arancia. Grazie.


    1. Assolutamente no...anzi è dolcissima senza alcun sentore di amaro. Per quanto riguarda invece la pasta potresti provare a frullare le fette prive del loro sciroppo. Ovviamente tenendo conto dell' estrema dolcezza e del fatto che comunque l' arancia è caramellata per cui ha un sapore diverso rispetto all' arancia cruda, ti consiglio di aromatizzare creme o impasti tenendo conto di queste diversità.

  13. Buona sera,ho provato a fare queste arance caramellate ma ho riscontrato che la quantita' di acqua è poca per poter preparare lo sciroppo.grazie e buona serata Gaby

    1. Ciao Gaby
      La quantità di acqua dipende anche da quanto sono succose le arance... per le mie è bastata, forse le tue erano più sode e polpose... La ricetta in questo caso è indicativa... hai fatto bene a evidenziare la tua perplessità perché la tua riflessione mi ha permesso di evidenziare questo aspetto. A presto!

  14. A me piacciono le clementine, posso allo stesso modo? Grazie, la ricetta è straordinaria!

  15. Bellissima ricetta, presumo che le arance utilizzate siano "Bionde", sicuramente da provare!
    Una variante potrebbe essere fatta con le arance rosse dell'Etna, una varietà unica al mondo denominata Tarocco gallo, questa viene prodotta solo dalle nostre parti (Palagonia) in quanto ha caratteristica colorazione Rossa dovuta alla presenza di cenere vulcanica presente nei terreni.

    Il nostro sito è, siamo piccoli produttori, ma orgogliosi dei nostri frutti e ci piacerebbe fossero assaggiati in tutte le loro forme, siamo a disposizione per chi voglia provare ;-)

    Grazie per la ricetta, noi, qui in Sicilia, la proveremo sicuramente!

  16. Devono essere una meraviglia'! Ho delle arance amare, credi che si possano usare lo stesso?

  17. Almeno 6-8 mesi... anche di più. Come la marmellata.

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    "Caramelized Oranges in Slices: Preserving Deliciousness" is a captivating and detailed guide on preserving caramelized orange slices, appealing to culinary enthusiasts. The title highlights the rich, sweet flavors of caramelized oranges for long-term enjoyment, inviting readers to embark on a culinary journey. The author's enthusiasm for this culinary endeavor can engage readers' interest. The content provides valuable insights into the specific steps and techniques for caramelizing and preserving orange slices, as well as potential variations, uses, and serving suggestions. It emphasizes the importance of savoring seasonal flavors throughout the year and the pleasure of homemade food preservation. The title also offers tips and tricks for selecting the best oranges, achieving the perfect caramelization, and ensuring safe and effective preservation. It also provides insights into the versatility of preserved caramelized oranges, from dessert toppings to flavorful additions in savory dishes. The title celebrates the joy of homemade delicacies and the satisfaction of preserving the season's bounty for future enjoyment. It is recommended to maintain a mouthwatering and descriptive tone throughout the content, reflecting the author's passion for culinary artistry. The title also highlights the significance of home cooking and the art of preservation, recognizing the connection between food, culture, and memories. In conclusion, "Caramelized Oranges in Slices: Preserving Deliciousness" is a delightful resource for culinary enthusiasts, emphasizing the joy of savoring seasonal flavors year-round.

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    "Caramelized Oranges in Slices" is a recipe that offers a unique and delicious way to preserve oranges. It provides clear instructions, a detailed list of ingredients, and different preservation methods like canning or syrup storage. The recipe also offers creative presentation ideas for using caramelized oranges in desserts, salads, or beverages. Storage tips like airtight containers and refrigeration ensure the product's longevity. Visual appeal is enhanced by accompanying images of the final product. Flavor combinations like cinnamon or star anise add depth to the flavor profile. The recipe encourages customization by using different types of oranges or experimenting with additional ingredients. Feedback is encouraged to provide valuable insights and foster a sense of community among cooking enthusiasts.

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    The article on preserving caramelized oranges in slices is a comprehensive guide for those looking to add a sweet and tangy twist to their fruit collection. It provides step-by-step instructions, making it accessible to even novice home cooks. The article uses caramelization to enhance the flavor of the oranges, turning them into a gourmet treat. It offers various preservation methods, such as canning and refrigeration, catering to different preferences and kitchen setups. However, the article could benefit from specific measurements for ingredients and detailed shelf life information for each method. Additionally, the article could be visually appealing by incorporating images of the finished product at various stages. Overall, the article is a delightful culinary guide, but improvements include clarifying measurements, specifying shelf life, and incorporating visuals to make it more engaging and practical for home cooks.

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    The title "Sliced Caramelized Oranges... to Preserve!" is intriguing and could be expanded with a brief tagline emphasizing the unique twist of caramelization in the preservation process. The introduction clearly introduces the concept of preserving sliced caramelized oranges, highlighting the benefits and flavors of this preservation method. The article showcases the preservation technique, possibly highlighting tips and tricks that make caramelized oranges a delightful treat. Visual elements, such as images or step-by-step guides, can enhance the visual appeal and encourage readers to try their hand at preserving caramelized oranges. The closing sentence invites readers on a culinary adventure.

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    The recipe for caramelized orange slices is a simple and easy-to-follow recipe that offers a sweet and citrusy treat. It can be enhanced with spices or herbs for extra flavor. The recipe also provides information on the shelf life and encourages creativity in the kitchen. Safety considerations, such as proper storage and potential allergens, should be highlighted. High-quality images and personal anecdotes can strengthen the connection with the audience. The recipe could become a popular choice for sweet and tangy treats.

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    The recipe for "Caramelized Oranges in Slices... to be Preserved" is intriguing and descriptive. It should be clear, easy to follow, and highlight unique flavors or characteristics associated with the process. Visual elements can enhance the presentation. Storage instructions should be included for easy use. Creative ways to use the preserved oranges can inspire culinary experimentation. Readers should be encouraged to share their experiences and variations of the recipe to foster a sense of community. The final call to action is to try the recipe and enjoy the delicious results of their own preserved caramelized oranges.

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  39. These delicious caramelized orange slices are definitely something to taste. Every piece has a lovely caramel covering with the ideal amount of sweetness and zesty citrus. Furthermore, their flavor burst elevates everything from savory recipes to desserts, making them highly versatile. But their enduring freshness is what really works its spell. For a long time, these slices keep their wonderful flavor and texture because of the preservation procedure. These caramelized orange slices are a pantry essential for any food aficionado, whether they are eaten on their own as a snack or added to recipes."
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  40. "Sliced caramelized oranges... to preserve!" introduces a delectable twist on traditional fruit preservation methods, offering a tantalizing blend of sweetness and tanginess in every bite. The caramelization process infuses the oranges with rich, caramelized flavors, elevating their natural sweetness to new heights. Each slice bursts with vibrant color and irresistible aroma, making them a delightful addition to any pantry or culinary creation.
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  43. I’m always looking for new ways to use citrus fruits, and this seems perfect. Looking forward to making these this weekend!
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  44. Arance Caramellate Fetteda Conservare are Italian-style candied orange slices. Made by simmering orange slices in sugar syrup until caramelized, they are then preserved for future use. These delightful treats add a burst of citrusy sweetness to desserts, baked goods, and more, making them a versatile addition to any pantry.
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  45. The caramelization process sounds simple and the result looks amazing.
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  48. Your caramelized orange slices recipe is a game-changer! I tried it out, and the result was amazing.
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  49. Perfect for adding a burst of flavor to any dish!
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  50. This looks like a perfect recipe for the holidays!
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  51. Arance Caramellate a Fette...da Conservare! is a delightful exploration of a timeless Italian treat, offering a mouthwatering recipe for caramelized orange slices that are perfect for preserving. The review expertly captures the essence of this sweet and tangy delicacy, highlighting its versatility as both a standalone snack and a gourmet ingredient for various dishes. The instructions are clear and easy to follow, making the process of creating these caramelized oranges accessible to home cooks of all skill levels. With its focus on the rich flavors and practical storage tips, this review is a delicious and practical addition to any culinary enthusiast’s repertoire.
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  52. This recipe looks fantastic!
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  53. I love serving the caramelized slices over pancakes or waffles for brunch.
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  54. These caramelized oranges are a beautiful treat!
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  55. Caramelized orange slices are a delightful treat that effortlessly combines citrusy brightness with the rich depth of caramel. Perfectly balanced between sweet and tangy, these preserved slices make for a versatile addition to any pantry. Whether used to garnish desserts, enhance cocktails, or add a touch of sophistication to savory dishes, their glossy texture and vibrant flavor elevate every bite.
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  56. To ensure duration, the slices are placed in sterilized jars and coated with a sweet syrup before to processing. Preserved caramelized orange slices can be used as a dessert topping, salad garnish, or beverage ingredient, providing a rush of citrus sweetness whenever needed. Whether stored in the fridge or preserved for long-term usage, the preservation method retains the flavors, making them a delectable addition to a variety of recipes. Sex offender attorney.

  57. The concept of Arance Caramellate a Fette (caramelized orange slices) presents a delightful and versatile treat perfect for preserving. Thinly sliced oranges, cooked with sugar until golden and fragrant, capture the citrus's vibrant flavor in a sweet, glossy form. Ideal for use in desserts, drinks, or as an elegant garnish, this recipe is a creative way to elevate everyday dishes. The result is a blend of tangy and sweet that delights the palate and showcases the artistry of preserving seasonal fruits.
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  58. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  59. Caramelized Orange Slices... to Preserve!" is a delightful recipe that transforms fresh oranges into a sweet, tangy treat. The method of caramelizing slices enhances the flavor, making them perfect for long-term storage. This recipe is great for preserving the taste of citrus for later use. A must-try for those who love making homemade preserves with a twist Traffic Lawyer Southampton VA

  60. Con una schiumarola toglile by means of dalla pentola e sistemale nei vasetti già perfettamente puliti e sterilizzati,copri senza sigillare e continua a toll cuocere lo sciroppo per almeno un altro quarto d'ora. Versalo bollente nei vasetti, sopra le fette d'arancia. Chiudi ermeticamente e capovolgi I vasetti a testa in giù fino a quando non saranno ben freddi. austin immigration lawyer

  61. Caramelized orange slices are a delightful treat that perfectly balance sweet and tangy flavors, making them a versatile addition to any pantry. The rich, amber-hued caramel envelops the vibrant citrus slices, creating a visually stunning and flavorful preserve. Ideal for garnishing desserts, enhancing cocktails, or even enjoying on their own, these slices are a testament to the beauty of simple ingredients transformed through careful preparation
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  62. what is sexual contact Slices of caramelized orange are a tasty and adaptable treat that you can keep for the rest of the year. They are made by slowly simmering fresh orange slices in a solution of water and sugar until they are soft and gorgeously caramelized. The procedure adds a rich, amber coating while enhancing the oranges' inherent flavor. These caramelized slices can be maintained for months by storing them in jars with syrup after cooling.

  63. With a mouthwatering combination of sweetness and tanginess in each bite, "Sliced caramelized oranges... to preserve!" offers a delicious take on conventional fruit preservation techniques. Oranges' inherent sweetness is enhanced to new levels by the caramelization process, which gives them rich, caramelized flavors. A lovely addition to any pantry or culinary endeavor, each slice explodes with color and an enticing aroma.newport news personal injury lawyer

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